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February is West Virginia Foster Care Month of Prayer

Updated: Jan 19, 2023

Join churches, organizations, and people from across the state in praying for those impacted by foster care in West Virginia.

Download The Foster Care Prayer Guide to follow along during February 2023!!

Child welfare is an incredibly important issue in the Mountain State. This is especially true right now. The systems are strained, there is more work than the available workforce, there is a consistent need for more foster families, and the work is incredibly complex.

It is easy to focus on the data and be overwhelmed. West Virginia leads the nation in the number of children per capita in foster care. Our rate of removal of children is high compared to the rest of the United States. There are many challenges, and child welfare is a big, complex, and emotional issue.

Yet, there is always a reason for hope.

Here at Chestnut Mountain Village, we believe that when problems seem insurmountable, our source of hope and guidance has to be something – or someone – other than ourselves. We believe that it is times like these when we must all come unified and humbly to the God of the Universe and ask Him to guide, strengthen, and give hope to every person involved.

Therefore, in conjunction with our friends at the Christian Alliance for Orphans (“CAFO”), The Village is providing the included Foster Care Prayer Guide to West Virginia churches, pastors, community leaders, and citizens. We ask, for those of you who are interested and willing, that you use this guide throughout the month of February to take time and pray for 24 specifically identified groups of people in our communities and state who are touched by foster care.

You can use The Foster Care Prayer Guide to pray for a different group of people each day over 24 days. Alternatively, you could set weekly prayer times or even gather with others for prayer vigils. Regardless of how you go about it, please join us in praying during February 2023 for all of these people in your own communities and state.



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